Powerful & Secure Networks

Our GWN series of Networking Solutions offer powerful and secure networks with wide coverage range that feature industry-leading setup and management thanks to embedded provisioning and management controllers. This series offers both WiFi Acess Points and Gigabit Routers in order to offer a complete wired and WiFi solution. Learn more below.
Powerful WiFi Networks

Our GWN series of WiFi Access Points can easily support all of your WiFi needs. They allow you to build powerful networks that offer fast connections of up to 1.75GBps and wide-ranging coverage of up to 175 meters. To make this even better, all of our GWN series APs supports up to 16 SSIDs, allowing you to offer many different networks and login credentials to customize your network offerings.
Secure Networks

Our access points feature high-end WiFi encryption technologies that protect your APs, networks and clients. Our router adds a variety of firewall features. In addition, we have gone above and beyond that to offer state-of-the-art security features not found in most other access points including anti-hacking protection, network data/settings protection and unique security certificates and default passwords per device.
We've Made Network Management Easy

We have built an embedded controller into every GWN series router and AP to allow them to setup and manage entire networks from one central location – the web user interface of any products. There is no need to deal the seperate hardware or software controllers that most other manufacturers require, just use the GWN series’ web user interface to deploy and manage entire networks.