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Improvements and New Features: GXP2100 series

The GXP2100 series is getting some exciting additions. In order to give users more flexibility and options in their IP Communications we are releasing a firmware that provides upgrades to our devices. Here at Grandstream we always strive to design accessible, intuitive technology without compromising on quality. It’s that mentality that pushes us to constantly […]

Exploring VPN

You might have seen the term VPN thrown around lately. A quick Internet search explains that VPN is a Virtual Private Network that allows the exchange of encrypted data through a VPN server. A pretty cool concept considering the browsing security issues that have been flooding our media. All this talk about data consumer protection […]

IPVideoTalk: Breaking Down Adoption Barriers to Video Conferencing

High quality video conferencing used to be expensive and out of reach for most small businesses, but with the explosion of affordable options, video conferencing is far more accessible for everyone. However, despite the proven benefits of Video Conferencing such as: faster decision making processes, keeping remote teams connected, and saving money on travel, many […]

Benefits of Offering Free WiFi in Businesses

We already know that WiFi is almost everywhere we go— but, should it be implemented at your business as well? There are many benefits of offering complementary WiFi to your consumers. And while it may seem like the investment is one-sided, businesses end up profiting thanks to the addition of free WiFi on premises. If […]

Making your Call Center More Efficient

In a world of instant communication, device integration and faster processes- where does your business strategy stand? Call centers in particular, should be equipped with the latest technology aimed at elevating customer service and providing efficient business practices. For these reasons, an IP communications system that can handle these requests is imperative when seeking a […]

How Secure are you with WebRTC?

In my previous WebRTC post I provided an overview from a simplified, easy-to-understand perspective. But today, I thought it would be pertinent to discuss the hefty security features of WebRTC. It’s safe to say, that with data breaches, ransonware, and phishing schemes dominating the news security and protection is at front of mind. Being that […]

TCP versus UDP for IP Phones: How do you choose?

The internet is like a very crowded Los Angeles highway, but instead of being full of cars, it’s full of information. Due to crowding, this information needs guidance to ensure that it gets where it’s going. This is why transmission protocols exist to make sure the information gets transported as intended. For example, public transportation […]

High-end Security Features of the GWN series Access Points

Like any technology, WiFI has its own share of security concerns. The nature of wireless networks allows hackers or anyone with malicious intent to locate themselves close to an access point in order to infiltrate a network. According to Kasperksy, approximately 24.7% of Wi-Fi hotspots in the world do not use any encryption at all, […]

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