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4 Essential Marketing Strategies Every Business Should Implement

For those of us involved in the field of marketing, we know that word embodies a number of different branches— anything from content, social, product, digital, brand, strategy, you name it. They all focus on different aspects of marketing but are directly or indirectly driven by the same goal—ensure profitability. As a result, there are a number of different strategies you can choose when creating marketing campaigns to promote and grow your business. That’s why having a list of fundamental strategies to focus on will guide your efforts and keep you goal-oriented. Let’s dig into the basics and find out how to create a balanced marketing strategy.

Make Your Website Actionable

Your website is not just a place to advertise goods, it’s also a place where visitors can learn about your story and everything else your business has to offer. Adding call-to-actions to your website where visitors can download product sheets, learn about your solutions or read your success stories is a way to capture leads. Leads are important because they make up a targeted audience that has shown direct interest in what you are selling, allowing you to speak to this group and establish a valuable customer-brand relationship.

Create an Email Marketing Strategy Around Your Audience’s Needs

Speaking of building a targeted audience, what better way to speak to that audience than through email marketing. It’s not just about crafting emails to sell your products, it’s also about listening to what your audience wants and catering to those needs. Pay attention to their website behavior- are they visiting a specific product page in your website, did they read a certain topic on your blog, are they requesting information on certain solutions, etc. Use that information to create targeted lists and answer to their curiosity by bringing them the information they’re seeking right to their inbox.

Add Thought-Leadership with a Blog

Sure, blogging can be time-consuming, but the end results are far greater than the initial investment, which is why more and more businesses are adopting blogs to establish themselves as thought-leaders in their industry. Not only will this platform allow readers to engage with an authority on a subject-matter, but it’s also a good way get more people to land on your website through SEO. Remember that the quality of your content is what’s going to make your blog stand out from competition, eventually driving traffic to your blog and increasing top search results. A mixture of quality content aligned with current SEO practices will give your blog the exposure and following it deserves.

Create a Community Through Social Media

Social media is one of the most popular methods of communication and it’s especially important for businesses and their marketing efforts. It’s not just about putting out content to enhance your brand, but also about building a community of followers that are interested in the same things you are. Once you figure out the type of content your audience wants from you, the rest is history. Drafting posts and content that speaks to your audience is one way to increase your follower-base and get your brand noticed.

Remember that everything always comes full circle with marketing. It’s not just about email, social, content or even your website, it’s how you integrate all of those avenues to increase your online presence, boost engagement with the original content, and eventually get those people to buy your goods. Stick to these fundamental tactics and then build out a meatier strategy based on your growing needs. Lastly, always remember to invest in every strategy and give them time to play out, always keeping in mind your end goal and how you can adjust these based on performance.

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